In many ways, Grounded’s open-world sandbox is like the ultimate kid’s adventure playground, where players can choose which missions they want to perform, how they want to get there, and what bases to build or swing around the map using high zip lines. And the zipline unlock will be one of the best base building pieces players will ever get, as players can craft them to quickly and safely traverse backyards and dangerous areas with wild animals. So this article will give players a specific guide on how to unlock and craft zipline recipes in Grounded, as well as how to connect them, players will also need to have enough Grounded Game PC Cheap in the game to help craft more in Grounded in order to complete the mission.
What is Grounded Zipline
A zipline is a structure that players can make using the resources available in Grounded. However, in order to create a zipline, players need not only the required resources but also the blueprints for these ziplines. In addition, players must connect multiple zip lines around the map in order to create a complete network. At least two zip lines are needed to get from one location on the map to another.
How to get the Zipline recipe
To unlock the zipline recipe, players will need to visit the ASL terminal at any of the field stations that have been discovered, or players can talk to BURG.L at Big Oak Labs. L’s Science Store and purchase a zipline chip for 2500 Raw Scinence to unlock the Zipline Anchor and Zipline Wall Anchor recipes.
How to make Ziplines in Grounded
Players can make individual Zipline Anchors that they can place on any suitable, unobstructed surface in the world to serve as the start or end of a zipline. In contrast, zipline wall anchors can only be used as the end point of a zipline and attached to a wall. The easiest Zipline anchor to start with requires only 4 pieces of clay, 6 weed stems, and at least one strand of silk rope, while the Zipline wall anchor requires 1 bee sting, 2 pieces of clay, and at least 1 strand of silk rope. In fact, players need more silk rope, how much depends on the length of their zipline, but each zipline anchor shows the total. If you want to zipline over a koi pond, the zipline may require 20-30 strands of silk rope, so it’s best to get as many spinners spinning as possible to speed up the build time.
First, players will need to build two Zipline Anchors as they act as the start and end points. Place the Zipline Anchor blueprint at the starting point where the Zipline begins, then go to where the Zipline ends and place the 2nd Zipline Anchor blueprint. In Grounded, players must first discover and travel to the end of their zipline to build the zipline, and cannot complete it from just one side. The zipline needs to start and end in the same direction, but the angle doesn’t need to be too precise because the zipline ropes themselves will automatically connect when they are attached.
How to connect the Zipline
Players can create a link between the zip lines of their choice. However, make sure that the path of the zipline you want to link is clear. Otherwise players will fall while using the zipline. In addition, a silk rope is needed to create a link between two zip lines. The greater the distance between the two zipline anchor points, the greater the amount of silk rope required. After the connection between the two zip line anchor points, the player can move between the two points.
The above is a specific guide on how to unlock and make zip lines in Grounded. Players need to check the guide of NF17.com to help understand how to make and connect zip lines by checking the location of the blueprints needed to build the zip lines in the game.