The Destiny 2 Seraph season opens on December 6, 2022, and it comes with a variety of new armor sets, the Arc-themed armor being one of them. It’s the season of the Seraph, and Bungie has kept its word and provided the armor. The Arc 3.0 Aromor set was originally postponed owing to the Destiny 2 and Fortnite partnership to replace the new Fortnite set. Arc 3.0 Aromor is now available. So this tutorial will explain players how to get Arc themed armor in Destiny 2, players may also prepare enough Destiny 2 Silver in the game to help gain Arc themed armor.
What is the Arc-themed armor in Destiny 2?
Players will need to spend some of their hard-earned money to buy the Arc-themed armor sets because they are locked behind the Eververse. Like the previous 3.0 armor sets, Solar and Void, the Arc 3.0 version can only be purchased through the Eververse store, and only using Silver or Bright Dust. Players can immediately purchase the whole collection for 1,500 credits, or around $15. Over the course of the season, however, the Arc 3.0 armor will gradually become available for purchase through Bright Dust, and during specific weeks, players will be able to buy one piece at a time.
In pre-release imagery, we’ve seen robes inspired by Fortnite’s painted children’s outfits, headgear in various glowing mohawk styles, and Bungie may have something special planned for this glove, as the fingertips The wiring hints some arcing effects.
How to get Arc-themed armor in Destiny 2?
Although Destiny 2 is officially a “free to play” game, that description carries a lot of restrictions because almost everything but the essential necessities is hidden behind a paywall. This pretty basically encompasses all forms of armor that always go into Eternity. Another aspect is that players can vote with their cash.
Players can get Arc-themed armor in Destiny 2 from the Eververse for 1500 credits. Players will need to spend about $45 to purchase all three sets of gear, with each piece of armor likely costing approximately $15. If players want to get the Arc-themed armor set for free, players can snap it up with Bright Dust.
Additionally, each piece of armor costs roughly 1200 Bright Dust, up to 6000 Bright Dust if the player wants the whole set. The good news is that each piece will be released staggered between January 10, 2023 and February 21, 2023. So whatever decision you choose to make, buy him before the armor set finishes rotating so you can have the Arc-themed style of your armor set of your dreams.
The above is the important information on how to get the Arc theme armor in Destiny 2. To find out more information regarding other Destiny 2 theme armor specifics, players can subscribe to NF17.com.